If you are sorely short of time for a fitness room, try doing belly slimming exercises at home. Simple yet effective movements developed by experts will help to tidy up the figure.

How long will it take?
Let's finally stop deceiving ourselves and believing in miraculous tales about rapid weight loss with the help of two or three magic exercises (pills, herbs, etc. ). It is not so easy to part with the fat accumulated over the years. Moreover, the stomach is a problem area, and it is most difficult to remove excess in this place.
Even if the belly just started to sag, it will take at least a couple of months to tone the muscles. To put very weak muscles in perfect order, you will have to work hard for at least six months.
However, you should not torture yourself with exercises until you are completely exhausted. If only because it may not have the best effect on your well-being. It is enough to practice regularly for 30-40 minutes a day. Subject to changes in nutrition, of course. Otherwise, you simply will not have time to burn incoming calories.

Advice!Start studying not tomorrow or from Monday, but today. The body that has received a decent dose of endorphins - hormones of pleasure - will immediately perk up, and your mood will rise and the strength will appear for further struggle.
Why is fat stored on the belly?
Before taking any measures to combat fatty deposits on the abdomen, you need to understand where they come from, and what you need to do to get rid of this problem forever in the future. After all, excessive savings in this area are not only outwardly unattractive, but also fraught with the development of rather serious diseases.
Excessive congestion in the abdomen can be caused by:
- genetic predisposition;
- hormonal disruption, including an excess of cortisol (male hormone) - after all, it is for the male figure that the accumulation of fat in the abdomen is characteristic;
- lack of physical activity.
Getting hormonal disruption is easy. It is enough to lead an "unrighteous" lifestyle, overeat and prevent the body from getting enough sleep. Then, having recollected himself, one should mock him with diets for a couple of months, limiting the most important foods for the body, and thus only aggravate the situation.
The admonitions of doctors that we only earn the majority of diseases by improper diet have not frightened us for a long time. The phrases that "overeating" and "eating at night" are harmful and you need to adhere to a "balanced diet" are so familiar that we simply stop paying attention to them. Although a healthy lifestyle - that is, a balanced diet and exercise - is the only way to restore not only your own figure, but also your health.

Advice!Stop listening to advertising tales of magic pills, miraculous weight loss belts and dietary supplements. To achieve a meaningful result, you should work on yourself and completely change your lifestyle. Other effective and, most importantly, safe means simply do not exist.
What is visceral fat and why is it dangerous?
Physicians classify body fat into three types:
- subcutaneous;
- intramuscular: the first two types are the least dangerous;
- visceral, localized precisely in the abdominal region and enveloping all internal organs, squeezing them and leading to serious changes; it is in this type of fat that "bad" cholesterol accumulates.
Fat in reasonable quantities is necessary for the body. With the help of them, fat-soluble vitamins are absorbed. A small layer of fat accumulates all the harmful substances that come with food.
Subcutaneous and intramuscular fats are essentially energy stores. They protect the body from the cold, and the internal organs from injury. With the visceral, everything is much more complicated. It is its accumulation that leads to the development of atherosclerosis, diseases of internal organs, heart disease and diabetes. Doctors say that every additional centimeter at the waist takes away a year of our life.

Advice!It has been proven that fat burning occurs most intensively at night. Therefore, if you want to lose weight - not only eat right, but also get enough sleep.
10 exercises for beginners
Anyone who has been involved in sports for a long time has long picked up their own set of exercises that are ideal for him. For beginners, we suggest using the advice of fitness trainer Gay Gasper, who has developed simple but very effective exercises specifically for the abdominal muscles. However, we repeat - in order for the effect to be obvious, classes will need to be carried out regularly.
Advice!You should not immediately load the muscles in the first seconds. Before starting any workout, be sure to warm up.
Simple twisting
To perform this simple exercise, you need to lie on the floor and bend your knees. In this case, the feet should be completely on the floor. Hands go behind the head. The press is a little tense. On inhalation - this is important - we raise our shoulders from the floor, linger in this position for two counts (one, two), and then again lower ourselves on the exhale to the floor. Just like all subsequent exercises, we repeat 10 times.
The chin should not be lowered during this exercise. The elbows should be in line with the shoulders. It is only necessary to work with the press - the buttocks at this moment should be relaxed. In fact, all other exercises will be complicated variations of the first with the study of other muscle groups.
After the first exercise, give the muscles a rest again - lying on your back, stretch your arms, inhale and lower them.

If you feel tired during the exercise, don't give up. You cannot easily achieve a perfect belly.
Advice!If the exercise is still difficult for you, simplify it by doing it with your arms crossed on your wrists. In the future, when the muscles become stronger, you can perform its full version.
Raising the legs
Now we begin to work out the lower press. This exercise is also done while lying down. First, raise the legs bent at an angle of 90 degrees. Hands are spread apart, palms are pressed to the floor. Slowly, we draw in the stomach, slightly raise the hips a couple of centimeters from the floor (the legs remain bent) and return to the starting position.
We will rest a little, stretch and continue our lesson again. During this exercise, the back should not be torn off the floor. All the work should be done by the abdominal muscles. When you fully master these movements in subsequent workouts, complicate them by lifting not bent, but fully extended legs.
Advice!Once you feel that your muscles are stronger, pauses and rests between repetitions can be removed.
Twisting and lifting the legs
Let's combine the first and second exercises that we have already mastered. Lying on your back, as in the second exercise, bend your knees and spread your arms wide to the sides. We strain the press. In this position, we need to raise both the shoulders and buttocks above the floor.
The exhalation during the exercise is done at the moment of greatest tension. Breathing is even. Do not pull your elbows forward. Break again and relax the muscles for 1–1. 5 minutes. We continue these exercises.

Start exercising in a good mood, then the training result will be better.
Advice!Going in for sports with someone is easier. Enlist the support of a friend or colleague and start working on your figure together. You will be able to help each other with advice and share the results of achievements.
Side crunches
These movements will help work out the oblique muscles. The starting position is similar to the position in the first exercise. Lying on your back, slowly bend your knees. Press your feet to the floor. The hips are slightly apart. Hands behind your head. You do not need to hitch them, just press them tightly to your head.
As we exhale, we begin to gradually reach first with one and then with the other shoulder to the opposite knee. The other elbow remains on the floor, helping to keep our balance. The buttocks do not come off the floor. Only the upper back is lifted, the back at the waist remains firmly pressed to the floor. Do not lower your chin. Also 10 reps.
Advice! You can simplify the exercise if you do not put your hands behind your head, but simply reach with them to the opposite knee. A more difficult option is to raise and cross your legs.
Twisting with a lunge
Lying position. The feet are on the floor, the legs are bent at the knees. We keep our hands behind our heads. We pull up alternately one or the other leg to the chest, while lifting the back. The other leg is still bent at the knee to maintain balance, and the foot is on the floor.
We look forward. Exhale when bending, inhale when returning to the starting position. We don't break our breath. The same goes for the second leg. We do 5 movements for each leg.

If you want to make the exercise easier, stretch your leg up. A more difficult option with raising both legs. Moreover, when the first leg is working, the second is unbent.
Advice!Every repetition counts. Even if you are tired, force yourself to move one more, one last time.
Slightly modified movements, familiar to us from physical education lessons, perfectly work out the lateral muscles. Bend the legs so that the heels are closer to the buttocks. Hands behind the head, shoulders off the floor. First, we straighten one leg so that the angle between it and the floor is 45 degrees. At the same time, we stretch with one shoulder to the knee of the bent (opposite) leg.
We straighten the bent leg, bend the second and repeat the movements, but with the other shoulder. We repeat 10 times without pauses.
Advice!To achieve the best results, it is not the quantity but the quality of the exercises performed that is important. To fully load the muscles, the movements must be slow and unhurried.
Wiggle your socks
Quite a difficult exercise that gives the maximum load on the press. Lying on your back, put your hands behind your head and raise your legs bent at an angle of 90 degrees. At the same time, the socks are pulled. We tear off the upper back from the floor. We lower one leg, touching the floor with the toes. Then we return it to its original position and lower the other leg.

On inhalation, the back is pressed to the floor. As we exhale, we go up. We do not lower the back while performing the movements.
Advice!If you find it difficult to do these movements, try bending your legs at first without lifting your shoulders off the floor. In the future, complicate the exercise by doing it with your arms outstretched above your head.
Circular rotations
Exercise for working through the entire press. In the prone position, the knees are slightly bent, the feet are on the floor, the arms are behind the head. We tear off the shoulders from the floor and begin to rotate the body in one direction or the other 5 times, without a pause. Each time you need to make a full circle.
We do not tear the pelvis off the floor. We keep the balance with the legs pressed to the floor. The exercise is done as slowly and clearly as possible. Exhale - rose. Inhale - went down.
Advice!Excessive overvoltage is unacceptable. It will only lead to the fact that you quickly get tired and will not be able to complete the whole complex.
Backbend with bent knees
We will pump the muscles of the press and back. To do this, we kneel. The elbows should be bent and rest on the floor. You can put a small pillow or soft towel under them.
We tear off the knees from the floor, keeping only on the elbows and toes. The back is straight. Count to three and carefully return to the starting position.

Advice!All exercises for the abdominal muscles can be done by both women and men.
Raising the legs from the supporting position
Lie on your stomach. The arms are bent at the elbows. The toes of the extended legs rest on the floor. Rise in this position off the floor and stretch into a string so that each of your muscles is tense. The back should not bend. Return to starting position. Repeat the exercise again.
Advice!Never hunch down - otherwise your stomach will immediately begin to sag. If you have weak back muscles, add some posture exercises to the set.
Aerobic exercise
With the help of the above exercises, you can significantly strengthen the abs, get rid of the sagging abdomen and put in order the internal organs. But, if you have a serious weight problem, be sure to include aerobic exercise - exercises in which oxygen is burned intensively. Indeed, with its participation, the maximum amount of fat is consumed.

Therefore, if you want not only to strengthen muscles, but also to part with the hated body fat in the shortest possible time, go in for walking, jogging, swimming, ice skating, volleyball, football, hockey or dancing. They, coupled with proper nutrition, will help you quickly get rid of weight problems.